How To Improve Memory After Stroke
Written by Brian B

How To Improve Memory After Stroke

If you are currently recovering from a stroke, use our 5 tips below to improve your memory.

Tip 1. Stimulate Your Brain Regularly

Try to play as many games as you can that require you to use your brain. The game could be as simple as checkers or as tough as chess. Engaging in any sort of game like this can help you regain your memory.

If you don’t have any board games, there are always several apps that feature a series of brain exercises. Some apps specialize in improving memory and cognitive function in individuals recovering from strokes.

Tip 2. Make Up Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonics are unique ways to remember specific things. Oftentimes, they take the form of an acronym like RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. This is just an example, used by individuals to remember how to treat a sprain. It’s suggested to make up your own mnemonic for daily routines in order to personalize them for ease of memory.

Tip 3. Leave Reminders For Yourself

Leave notes in visible and often visited areas of your home. For example, you could leave a quick reminder note on the refrigerator to take your medication. Use your smartphone or standard clock alarm for more reminders.

Tip 4. Stay Organized

Making it easy to see items needed for daily activities will ultimately help you remember what you need to know and when it has to be done. One easy way to stay organized is to lay out your clothes the night before. Keep both your keys and phone in the same spot at home.

Tip 5. Stay Active

The experts recommend moving around as much as you can daily. A recent randomized control study looked at the impact exercise had on 40 chronic stroke survivors. Researchers concluded that the individuals who exercised saw significant improvement in their memory, cognitive function, and overall recovery.

Other tips to improve memory include:

  • Eating a healthy diet.
  • Repeating information several times.
  • Working with a speech specialist.

About Ventana Winds

Ventana Winds Retirement Community is a member of SLS Communities and offers Assisted Living and Memory Care services In Youngtown, Arizona.

Short Retirement Wishes
Written by Brian B

50 Short Retirement Wishes

Are you looking for retirement quotes, wishes and sayings or what to write in a retirement card? Great, we have pulled together all of the retirement wishes from across the internet. Here are the top 50 retirement wishes, sayings and quotes for what to write in a retirement card.

Best Retirement Wishes

  1. Think about it, now you never have to ask for a day off again. Happy Retirement!
  2. Happy retirement wishes! Wishing you all the best in your new retired life. 
  3. All the best for an amazing retirement! Enjoy your new chapter in life, where you become your own boss.
  4. As one chapter ends, another begins, welcome to your new found freedom! 
  5. When someone as wonderful as you finally gets to retire it makes my heart melt! Congrats and all the best to your relaxing years ahead!
  6. Are you ready for that golf trip you were always telling me about? Enjoy your golf retirement! 
  7. You will always be remembered for your accomplishments. Thank you for your years of hard work and dedication to our team, and congrats on your retirement!
  8. Retiring means less responsibility and “almost” no work. Please let me know if you need help finding things to do, my garage could use a once over ha ha ha! Congrats (insert name)! 
  9. Now that you’re retired you can do all the things you enjoy. Have a happy retirement!
  10. Now that you are retired, what are you going to do with all of that free time? I could fill up your Tuesday’s with coffee and gossip? What do you say? Enjoy yourself out there! 
  11. Enjoy the fruits of your hard labor. Here’s to wishing you a relaxing and wonderful retirement.
  12. I’m so happy to see you reach your goal! Retirement holds new beginnings for you. Seek out everything that retirement has to offer you. 
  13. You’ve worked your entire life for this day, you deserve it, and all the best for a happy retirement!
  14. You are an amazing co-worker, I will never forget all the little tips and tricks you taught me along the way. You are an inspiration to us all. Congrats on your well deserved retirement days. 
  15. Thank you for being an amazing example for me and our team. Your dedication and hard work is really inspiring! I will never forget you for that! Enjoy your retirement!
  16. You have made us and the company better, and for that we thank you. Enjoy your retirement! 
  17. Thank you for always challenging us to become the best at what we do. Congrats on your retirement!
  18. Now that you’re retired, you get to spend everyday with your wife. I’m sure you can’t wait to get your green thumb dirty again! Enjoy it. 
  19. All of the wonderful things you’ve done for us will not be forgotten. Congrats on the fruits of your hard labor!
  20. Leave your past behind and embrace your new future. Work it over, retirement is here! Let’s go!
  21. Retirement is all about embracing your future and leaving the past behind. Enjoy the years ahead!
  22. Are you seriously retiring already? It seems like you just started yesterday. You will be deeply missed my friend! 
  23. All The Best wishes on your early retirement. Enjoy the new opportunities to do fun and wonderful things just for you.
  24. Thank you for inspiring us all to do our absolute best. You are a very motivating and pleasant person to work with. You will not be forgotten after you retire! 
  25. Thank you for always motivating us to do our best. We wish you an amazing retirement with years of enjoyment to come!
  26. You are a true friend! Our years of work together have showed me that you can love your work if you love the people you work with. Thank you for proving that to me! Happy Retirement! 
  27. You will be deeply missed! You are truly a one in million person that can never be replaced! Enjoy your retirement!
  28. Make sure you enjoy retirement like you enjoyed working with all of us! Send us a postcard from your next trip. 
  29. It’s sad to say goodbye, but great to know you are headed on to greener pastures! Congrats!
  30. We hate to see you go, but love to see you walk away… into retirement that is ha ha ha. Congratulations, you deserve it! 
  31. It will be tough to find someone that works as hard and is dedicated as much as you are! Congrats from the whole team!
  32. Say goodbye to slow Mondays and pointless staff meetings ha ha ha! Your new life is waiting for you.
  33. You are one of the hardest working people I have ever met! You earned every single part of your retirement! Great job and adios amigo. 
  34. Retirement is the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one. Let’s hope the next chapter of your life are as good or better as your previous! Congratulations!
  35. You have earned every bit of your retirement days! We are so happy for you! 
  36. Have fun with your new found freedom! Here’s to hoping your retirement is a dream come true!
  37. Now that you got your boss off your back you can do what you want, when you want, as long as your wife approves of course ha ha ha!
  38. I’m sure you never thought this day would come… Well other than that calendar you had that marked down the last days until your retirement ha ha ha! Enjoy yourself my friend, you will be greatly missed! 
  39. You deserve retirement! You’ve worked hard for your family and deserve to take a break! Congrats.
  40. We can tell that you loved your job! Let’s hope your retirement brings you the same fulfillment or even more!
  41. Here’s to hoping your new found freedom in retirement brings you fun, relaxation and enjoyment! All the best to you.
  42. You will be greatly missed! We hope you enjoy your retirement as much as we enjoyed having you around the office. All the best! 
  43. A wife’s full-time job starts when her husband retires. Glad to see you got promoted!
  44. Consider this an extended vacation that never ends… Only you don’t get paid days off ha ha ha!
  45. Never again will you have to face dreaded Mondays! Every day for you is the weekend now! Lucky You.
  46. Very few people dedicate themselves to their job the way you have. Now, its time to take some time for yourself and I can only imagine the kind of things you are going to get into.
  47. Travel, relax, enjoy life and spend all the kids inheritance (they will never know ha ha ha). Best of wishes.
  48. Here’s to wishing you health, wealth and happiness in retirement. Congratulations to you!
  49. Now that you’ve retired, you can start doing all of the wonderful things I’ve heard you talking about over the years! Congrats.
  50. You leave your old boss in the past after retirement and start life with your new boss, your wife. Good luck my friend!

Happy Retirement Wishes

Read More Retirement Quotes

Short Retirement Quotes

Inspirational Retirement Quotes

Retirement Quotes, Wishes & Sayings

68 Retirement Wishes For A Boss – Canyon Winds Retirement

About Ventana Winds

Ventana Winds Retirement Community is a member of SLS Communities and offers Assisted Living and Memory Care services In Youngtown, Arizona.

How Wide Is A Wheelchair
Written by Brian B

How Wide Is A Wheelchair?

While there is no set industry standard for wheelchair width, most models will range from 21-40″ in overall width. Let’s go over each and every factor that may play a role in figuring out which size wheelchair is best for you.

How Wide Are Wheelchairs?

You are actually the most important thing to measure when it comes to shopping for a wheelchair. After all, you will be sitting in the chair, so deciding what is comfortable for long periods of time is step number one.

It’s recommended to take your own measurements prior to choosing a wheelchair. For instance, measure your hips, then add a few more inches for extra comfort. Once you have taken your measurements, you’ll be equipped to accurately choose the right size chair for your needs.

Wheelchair Size Considerations

How wide a wheelchair is cannot be your only consideration. Always be mindful of the following items.

Seat Depth

Start by measuring the length of your leg from the back of the hip to the back of the knee. Next, subtract one inch from this measurement. This number will indicate the desired seat depth to sit comfortably in your wheelchair.

Door Size

Always consider the size of the doorways in your home before purchasing a wheelchair. Household doorways aren’t always as standardized as you may have guessed. Some doorways measure between 23-27″, which means they are not wide enough for most wheelchairs. Doorways that meet ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) guidelines will be at least 32″ in width.

Back Height

A properly sized seatback will help you remain comfortable for longer periods of time. Measure your shoulder blades to the base of your spine. This measurement will tell you how high your seatback needs to be.

Armrest Height

To be comfortable in the chair, you should be able to sit straight up with your arms resting at a 90-degree angle. Sitting in this position, measure the distance between the bottom of your arm and your chair. This is the ideal height of your armrests.

Seat To Floor Height

Most big and tall wheelchairs range between 18-22″ in height. You’ll want to purchase a chair that’s at least 18″ off the ground if you are a taller individual. Start by sitting in a regular-sized chair and using that as your guide moving forward.

About Ventana Winds

Ventana Winds Retirement Community is a member of SLS Communities and offers Assisted Living and Memory Care services In Youngtown, Arizona.

Aging Jokes
Written by Brian B

50 Aging Jokes

Bob Hope once said, “I’m so old they’ve canceled my blood type!” Let’s take a look at some of the best aging jokes below.

Best Jokes About Aging

1. “It’s not that I’m afraid to die, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” – Woody Allen

2. “Talk about getting old. I was getting dressed and a peeping tom looked in the window, took a look and pulled down the shade.” – Joan Rivers

3. “People ask me what I’d most appreciate getting for my 87th birthday. I tell them, a paternity suit.” – George Burns

4. “The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to the left.” – Jerry M Right

5. “Middle age is when you still believe you’ll feel better in the morning.” – Bob Hope

6. “When I was a boy the Dead Sea was only sick.” – George Burns

7. “You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred.” – Woody Allen

8. “There is no pleasure worth forgoing just for an extra three years in the geriatric world.” – John Mortimer

9. “Looking 50 is great if you’re 60.” – Joan Rivers

10. “The terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.” – Kurt Vonnegut

11. “How young can you die of old age?” – Steven Wright

12. “By the time a man is wise enough to watch his step, he’s too old to go anywhere.” – Billy Crystal

13. “So far, this is the oldest I’ve been.” – George Carlin

14. “Whatever you may look like, marry a man your own age – as your beauty fades, so will his eyesight.” – Phyllis Diller

15. “You know you’re getting old when the candles cost more than the cake.” – Bob Hope

16. “As you get older, the pickings get slimmer, but the people sure don’t.” – Carrie Fisher

17. “I’ve learned that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes.” – Andy Rooney

18. “As a graduate of the Zsa Zsa Gabor School of Creative mathematics, I honestly do not know how old I am.” – Erma Bombeck

19. “At my age, flowers scare me.” – George Burns

20. “My grandmother was a very tough woman. She buried three husbands and two of them were just napping.” – Rita Rudner

21. “I’m at an age when my back goes out more than I do.” – Phyllis Diller

22. “When you are dissatisfied and would like to go back to youth, think of algebra.” – Will Rogers

23. “Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving.” – Unknown

24. “The only reason I would take up jogging is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.” – Erma Bombeck

25. “We could certainly slow the aging process down if it had to work its way through congress.” – Will Rogers

Jokes About Aging

Funny Jokes On Aging

26. You’re not getting older, you’re just becoming classic.

27. Old age isn’t so bad when you consider the alternative.

28. Allow me to politely suggest this be the year you start lying about your age.

29. These are not gray hairs! They are wisdom highlights!

30. Why am I getting older and wider instead of older and wiser?

31. The older we get, the earlier it gets late.

32. What goes up but never comes down? Your age!

33. At my age, the only pole dancing I do is to hold on to the safety bar in the bathtub.

34. Aging gracefully is like the nice way of saying you’re slowly looking worse.

35. You know you’re getting older when you have a party and the neighbors don’t even realize it.

36. How are stars like false teeth? They both come out at night!

37. A very happy birthday to someone who is now taking drugs on their birthday for actual serious medical reasons.

38. At least you’re not as old as you will be next year!

39. This year, may you always get up off the couch in two tries or less.

40. Did you know that there’s a prize for getting older? Yep – you get atrophy.

41. Do you want to know the secret to having a smoking hot body at your age? Cremation.

42. Age is a relative thing. All your relatives keep reminding you how old you are.

43. Don’t let your age get you down. After all, at your age, it’s hard to get back up again.

44. This whole birthday thing is getting old, don’t you think?

45. You and wine are the perfect pair. Wine improves with age, and you improve with wine.

46. Age is a number – keep yours unlisted.

47. I’m not saying you’re old, but if you were whiskey you’d be expensive.

48. You’re so old, I heard your social security number is 3.

49. Fabulosity has no age.

50. In wine years, you are extra fine.

Jokes On Aging

More Aging Jokes:

Old Age Jokes

Aging At Home

Aging And Healing

Memory Care In Youngtown, Arizona

There isn’t a more appropriately named setting for this lively community than Youngtown! Monthly rent at Ventana Winds includes three well balanced meals plus snacks, 24-hour staff, and a daily tidying of your apartment. The offerings don’t end there! Personal laundry is done weekly, transportation is provided for appointments or shopping, a 24/7 emergency call system is in place, as well as a full slate of exciting activities. Check out all of Ventana Winds’ offerings today!

Memory Care Package:

  • Three meals per day plus snacks
  • 24-hour care
  • Diverse program of activities
  • Transportation to appointments
  • Bathing and oral care
  • Dressing and grooming
  • Daily tidying of your apartment
  • Laundry service
  • Weekly deep cleaning of your apartment
  • All utilities, including cable TV
Written by Brian B

Memory Care Facility Costs

Memory Care Cost

The average cost of a memory care facility is $5,655 a month with costs ranging from $1,595 to $9,715 in Youngtown, Arizona.

Average Memory Care Costs

The average costs for memory care ranges from $1,595 – $9,715+ a month. Prices shift dependent on location, services, and elderly care needs. While many services such as meals, medication handling, and group activities will be included, others will not. I.e., residents could have access to clothe washing services, lunch trips, or beauty amenities, like hair-cuts or pedicures, but those could cost extra.

When a senior is suffering with Alzheimer’s of Huntington’s disease, keeping them safe and well takes precedence that could be mentally and emotionally draining on their loved ones. Concerning demeanors that can be hard to safely control, such as roaming and aggressiveness, begin to emerge. For family care takers, like spouses and adult children, fulfilling their loved one’s complicating — and changing — requirements can be a major struggle.

The following are some ways to pay for memory care:

  • Medicare
  • Medicaid
  • Life Insurance
  • Long-Term Care Insurance
  • Reverse Mortgages

What Is Memory Care?

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are very familiar types of memory loss circumstances that will be included in memory care. This is a dedicated care that will go through a variety of services that will depend on the seriousness of the symptoms, like 24 hour emergency call service.

Memory care will go further than what is typically offered in assisted living. Housekeeping, the preparation of food, and clothes washing services are generally provided, but the level of needed assistance with daily activities is increased. There also may be times when daily activities are designed specifically for a person that will allow them to reconnect with their interests or old hobbies.

As the communities can recognize the care challenges for elderly people who have dementia or Alzheimer’s, they may just provide memory care or, for continuing care communities may provide a neighborhood strictly for memory care. More often than not, it is these communities that will have fixed design elements that will lower the stress for those who have dementia or Alzheimer’s.

These elements will usually include a circular neighborhood design that permits the resident for safer wandering, memory boxes outside of their apartments, with natural lighting. About 6 out of 10 elderly people with Alzheimer’s will begin to wander around the community and it is specifically designed to lower the chances of being harmed by wandering, and that may done simply adding security alarms or doing welfare and safety checks.

Community Life

When it comes down to memory care, the amenities are not as captivating like living in an assisted living or independent living community, like having large indoor swimming pools or beauty salons and barber shops. Studies have shown that some who have dementia or Alzheimer’s can get disoriented and stressed more easily; it’s these communities that are meant to provide a more relaxed setting.

Typically communities will have secured courtyards that will let their residents walk in the patio or garden without risk of wandering off. There are also meeting areas like libraries and cozy lounges that are not uncommon. To make the environment more intimate for its residents, a memory care community will be designed with neighborhood like settings that are equipped with apartments that are situated near common areas. Most hallways will be brilliantly colored that will help residents find their way around.

There are also apartments that are available in private and companion options. If you choose, there are 1 bedroom apartments available. These apartment types do not have kitchenettes because all comforts are kept at a minimum to keep stress levels down. To help a resident to find their way, some communities have memory boxes that are filled with little keepsakes from their life.

The dining area will be set up in a family way, so the residents can gather together for meals. Some dining rooms will have tropical fish tanks, which will help increase appetites based on research. Attention is made to create a contrast between the color of the food and the plate to help the residents see the food much clearer.

There will even be activities that are made around the interests of the residents so they are able to reconnect with their memories. They also have music, art classes and games as well as exercise classes. Some communities will even have escorted outings.

Offered Services

Memory care communities are equipped with staff that is able to handle life responsibilities like as laundry service, meal preparation, housekeeping and even transportation services. There is even assistance with daily activities as part of their regular services.

Selecting A Memory Care Facility

Due to the higher costs that come with memory care, you could go the less expensive route and go with assisted living for your loved one. The truth is that most assisted living communities will only have light memory care. This is for those who are not prone to wandering off or for those who need a more enhanced environment. For those who need constant attention or those who happen to wander off a lot, memory care communities will be the best bet.

It may be difficult to find a community within a rural area that offers memory care. Out of senior living communities that have memory care services only around 27% of those will have residents that have dementia or Alzheimer’s. There are some communities that are out there that will only provide memory care while other communities will also provide assisted living.

Larger communities will often be the only ones that offer memory care, and you could be cautious about signing your loved one up as they may not get the hands on care they need. Typically memory care communities have been designed with a neighborhood type styling and will have common areas that are duplicated. This helps to give residents a homey atmosphere in a larger setting.

Once you have selected the community that your loved one likes, you will then begin the assessment process to see if they will fit into the community. At this time you can see if the community will be able to provide the care that is needed for them. Depending on their assessment policy, there also may be a nurse that comes to your home to assess your loved one. It is very important that you be truthful about how they act, and if they have any issues with wandering off or trouble with walking, this is done so that the nurse can create a customized care plan for their needs.

Assisted Living vs Memory Care

Undertaking a life change can be scary and stressful—possibly a little fun too. For example, if you’re moving into an assisted living community, you might miss your home but are looking forward to forging new roads and friendships and simply making life easier. However, what if you’ve started to notice that your memory is not like what it used to be?

You may have heard about “memory care” and might be wondering if it would be appropriate under your circumstances and if you can get it in an assisted living facility. Here are some explanations on what assisted living and memory care are.

Memory Care Facilities Near Me

Memory Care In Youngtown, Arizona

There isn’t a more appropriately named setting for this lively community than Youngtown! Monthly rent at Ventana Winds includes three well balanced meals plus snacks, 24-hour staff, and a daily tidying of your apartment. The offerings don’t end there! Personal laundry is done weekly, transportation is provided for appointments or shopping, a 24/7 emergency call system is in place, as well as a full slate of exciting activities. Check out all of Ventana Winds’ offerings today!

Memory Care Package:

  • Three meals per day plus snacks
  • 24-hour care
  • Diverse program of activities
  • Transportation to appointments
  • Bathing and oral care
  • Dressing and grooming
  • Daily tidying of your apartment
  • Laundry service
  • Weekly deep cleaning of your apartment
  • All utilities, including cable TV
Best Places To Retire In Arizona
Written by Brian B

Best Retirement Cities In Arizona

If you are looking for the best retirement cities in Arizona, we’re here to highlight five of the top places across the valley of the sun!

Best Cities To Retire In Arizona

More and more retirees are flocking to Arizona for the plethora of sunshine, strong economy and scenic views. If you are currently searching for the best areas of the valley to call home, this will be your guide!

Youngtown, AZ

This town’s fascinating history quickly made it a favorite for retirees. Incredibly enough, Youngtown is actually the oldest retirement community in the U.S. In the mid-1950’s, developers began on an ambitious project: create the country’s first-ever planned community solely for retirees.

The name Youngtown was, of course, ironically planned. Measuring just over a mile in total area, Youngtown boasts a small population, filled with the best retirement communities in the entire country. From November through April, the weather is nearly perfect, with average temperatures ranging from 76-86 degrees.

Retirement Community In Youngtown: There isn’t a more appropriately named setting for this lively community than Youngtown! Monthly rent at Ventana Winds includes three well balanced meals plus snacks, 24-hour staff, and a daily tidying of your apartment.

The offerings don’t end there! Personal laundry is done weekly, transportation is provided for appointments or shopping, a 24/7 emergency call system is in place, as well as a full slate of exciting activities. Check out all of Ventana Winds’ offerings today!

Mesa, AZ

Mesa is currently the third-largest city in all of Arizona, with nearly 500,000 citizens. Yet, since this city is so spread out, you will never feel like you’re congested living in a place like Phoenix. Nestled up against the Superstition Mountains, Mesa is home to some of the best hospitals in the state.

Avid golfers will love Mesa, which features more than 200 world-class courses. You are never far from neighboring cities, Scottsdale and Chandler, as well.

Retirement Community In Mesa: Canyon Winds is a Senior Living Services Community located in Mesa, Arizona. This facility offers plenty of choices for senior citizens of varying needs. One can find more than just assisted living at Canyon Winds, as they also offer independent and memory care services.

This resort-style facility is breathtaking, with spacious floor plans and dining areas. A full activity program and fitness center await future residents. Looking to bring a small cat or dog to your new home? Not a problem at all, as every SLS Community is pet friendly!

Sedona, AZ

You will not be able to find a more scenic location to call home than Sedona. More than six million acres of red-rock beauty surround some of the best retirement communities in the state of Arizona. Countless old western films were shot in this beautiful city, about two hours outside of Phoenix.

If you are a retiree who enjoys outdoor activities, you can’t find a better spot than Sedona. Enjoy horseback rides, jeep tours and scenic hikes all throughout the year. The only downside of living in Sedona is the rising real estate costs.

Retirement Community In Sedona: Sedona Winds, located in the heart of the red rocks, offers stunning courtyard views, along with a 24-hour staff for every need. Settle for this community if you wish to enjoy breathtaking views, daily.

General maintenance, weekly laundry and deep cleaning of your apartment, an emergency call system, and a diverse activities program are all included when you choose Sedona Winds.

Sedona Arizona

Peoria, AZ

Peoria is located northeast of Phoenix and Glendale. Due to a plethora of available land, Peoria is home to many top-notch retirement communities. Enjoy scenic views daily, and check out the Salt River which flows right through the city.

Peoria’s crime rate is below the national average and the climate is ideal; topping out at 94 degrees in the month of July. Money Magazine recently named Peoria as one of the top 100 places to live.

Retirement Community In Peoria: Offering assisted, independent and memory care services, Desert Winds is a top-notch community in the valley. Desert Winds offers three types of floor plans for assisted living residents. Whether a two-bedroom, two-bath or one-bedroom, one-bath is what you desire, Desert Winds has a plan for you.

Studio apartments are available as well. All of these floor plans can be toured virtually on Desert Winds’ official website. All apartments come fully equipped with individual heat and AC units, a refrigerator, microwave, window treatments and more.

Surprise, AZ

With a population of more than 135,000, Surprise continues to grow each year. Featuring low humidity and tons of sunshine, it’s no wonder why so many retirees are flocking to Surprise. Enjoy a much lower cost of living here, when compared to both Scottsdale and Phoenix.

Sports lovers will know how special this place is. Whether you want to hit the links or catch a baseball spring training game, Surprise is the spot for you!

Retirement Community In Surprise: If you’ve lived in Surprise your entire life and want to stay close to friends and family, then Chaparral Winds is the assisted living facility for you! As Chaparral Winds’ website states, this is a community designed to keep a relaxing vibe going throughout the day.

A pool and hot tub combined with a beautiful dining area make this one of the premier communities in all of Arizona. Great shopping, golf courses, restaurants and medical facilities are all located within a few miles, which is a bonus for visiting family members.

Retirement In Arizona

Why Retire In Arizona?

Find out why so many retirees are deciding to call Arizona home!

Most Sun In The U.S.

This is not an exaggeration, this is a fact! According to the NOAA, Arizona residents experience more sunny days than anyone in the country. And this includes the sunshine state of Florida! Arizona typically experiences 299 sunny days per year. The rest of the U.S. averages only 205 sunny days each year.

Less Tax Burdens

Arizona offers less tax burdens for residents compared to other states. Allowing residents to keep as much of their income as possible has helped the valley grow exponentially for several decades.

Low Cost Of Living

Arizona boasts an extremely strong economy and a low cost of living, at the same time. This state remains one of the most affordable states to live in across the country, according to BestPlaces. Whether you are looking to move into a small studio apartment or large home, the chances are high you’ll pay less in the valley of the sun. Combining the low cost of living and strong economy/job market, and Arizona is the ideal place for any retiree.

Sporting Options

Known as a golfer’s paradise, the valley offers many world-class resorts and destinations. From Sedona to Tucson, retirees’ can enjoy their favorite hobby in style. The PGA’s Waste Management Phoenix Open is played annually in Scottsdale, as well.

There’s more than just golf in Arizona, though! Residents also enjoy watching teams in all four major sports, including the Diamondbacks (MLB), Cardinals (NFL), Suns (NBA) and Coyotes (NHL).


Arizona offers much more than gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. The valley of the sun is home to some of the best scenic hiking trails in the world. Sedona is home to the famous red rocks, plus mountain ranges, lakes and desert beauty can be seen all over the state.

Monument Valley Arizona

About Ventana Winds

Ventana Winds Retirement Community is a member of SLS Communities and offers Assisted Living and Memory Care services In Youngtown, Arizona.

More Articles About Senior Living

What Age Can You Stop Filing Income Taxes
Written by Brian B

When Can You Stop Filing Taxes?

You may stop filing taxes at age 65 if:

  • You are at least 65 years old, unmarried and making less than $14,250.
  • You are at least 65 years old, married, filing jointly and making less than $26,450.
  • You are a qualified widow, earning less than $26,450.

The IRS will want individuals to file a tax return whenever your gross income surpasses the total of the standard deduction for your specific filing status, in addition to one exemption amount. The filing rules still apply to seniors who are living off their social security. If you are a senior citizen, though, you don’t consider your social security as your gross income. You will not need to file a tax return if social security is your only source of income.

When Do Seniors Have To File Taxes?

For the current tax year, you must file a tax return if you are 65-plus, unmarried and your gross income is at least $14,250. However, if you live on your social security benefits, you will not need to include this in your gross income, according to TurboTax. You do not need to file if this is your sole source of income, meaning your gross income comes out to zero dollars. If you do earn additional income, that is not tax exempt, then you must figure out whether the total exceeds $14,250.

Whenever you and your spouse are at least 65 years old, married and filing jointly, you have to file a return if your combined income is $27,800 or more. If your spouse is below the age of 65, then the threshold amount decreases to $26,450. These figures were implemented during the 2018 tax year, so make sure to check if the amounts have increased.

When To Include Social Security In Gross Income

Certain situations will call for seniors to add social security benefits in their gross income. If you are married, filing an individual tax return and residing with your spouse, 85% of your social security benefits will be deemed gross income. In this case, you may need to file a tax return. An allotment of social security benefits will be included in your gross income, regardless of status, in any year the total of half your social security, including all other income, tax-exempt interest, exceeding $25,000 or $32,000 as long as you are married and filing jointly.

When Do You Stop Paying Taxes On Social Security?

You are allowed to stop paying taxes on social security at 65 as long as your total income is not a high figure. You can read all about taxes and social security rules right here courtesy of Turbo Tax.

Tax Credits For Seniors

Even if you must file a tax return, there are a few ways to decrease the amount you’ll pay on your taxable income. As long as you are 65-plus years old and your income from alternative sources than social security are not high, then tax credits for seniors can lessen your tax bill. This tax credit is only useful when you owe the IRS.

Ventana Winds In Youngtown, Arizona

We invite you and your loved one to come and tour our memory care facility in Youngtown, Arizona and find out why our residents love to live in our compassionate and welcoming community. Take a look at our memory care page to see pictures, find out more about the facility, amenities, what is included in rent, and more. Call us at (623) 624-4406 for more information or to schedule a tour of our facility.

How To Look Younger At 60
Written by Brian B

How To Look Younger At 60

Aging is an inevitable part of life, but feeling old and looking old can be two separate things. We’ve put together a list of 20 tips to give you a vibrant and younger appearance, even at age 60 and beyond.

Tip 1. Exercise More

More exercise will improve your blood circulation, increase supply of collagen, and of course, eventually lead to weight lose.

Tip 2. Drink Less

We all know drinking can have some terrible effects on the body. Alcohol has been proven to accelerate the aging process in one’s eyes and face.

Tip 3. Relax More

A lot of stress will make you age much quicker, unfortunately. Relax by doing yoga, talking long walks or whatever you can do to be at peace.

Tip 4. Color Your Hair

For many, finding a few gray hairs may be the first sign of aging. Finding a licensed hair stylist to properly color your hair is the best way to ensure long-lasting results. Box color uses cheaper chemicals that can wear off and make the coloring look unrealistic.

Tip 5. Stop Smoking

This is a crucial step towards your long-term health and your efforts to look younger. Cigarettes, like alcohol, will add age to your face. Try e-cigarettes or nicotine gum if you are attempting to quit for the first time.

Tip 6. Less Sugar Intake

Sugar is an inflammatory food that can show signs of aging on your face. Sugar can also inflame your brain, making it harder to concentrate. Transition from consuming lots of sugar to some sweet fruits.

Tip 7. Always Use Sunscreen

More people need to start applying sunscreen at an earlier age. Using a sunscreen with a high SPF will help avoid redness or sunspots.

Tip 8. Moisturize Your Skin

Dry skin will appear old and cracked. Not using any sort of moisturizer will only highlight the problem areas.

Tip 9. Frame Your Face

Eyebrows actually play a huge role in making your face appear younger. Keeping your eyebrows trimmed and shaped will help frame your face, ultimately drawing attention to your eyes.

Tip 10. Drink More Water

This tip goes hand in hand with moisturizing. Drinking plenty of water daily will help your skin stay moisturized, naturally.

Senior Exercising

Tip 11. V-Neck Shirts

By simply wearing more V-neck shirts, your neckline will look more youthful and flattering.

Tip 12. Whiten Teeth

This is a popular action for seniors trying to look younger. Whiter teeth gives the impression that you are younger than you actually are. Purchase some of the many teeth-whitening products to remove any stains.

Tip 13. Eat More Grapes

Sorbitol gives grapes a sweetness and it is also a substance that attracts water when applied to the skin. Eating grapes will ultimately help your skin absorb and retain moisture.

Tip 14. Smile More

This simple step helps mentally and physically. There is no doubt people who smile appear younger and happier. Smiling more often will decrease the chances of wrinkles developing.

Tip 15. More Hobbies

Spend your time and money on the things you love doing. Whether it’s a golf course membership or vacations, do what makes you happiest.

Tip 16. Undergarments

Undergarments that don’t fit or fit awkwardly can give you an invisible waistline.

Tip 17. Tight Fitting Clothes

Choose to wear clothes that fit a bit tighter than you are accustomed to. The tighter fits tend to make one appear younger.

Tip 18. Build Strong Social Relationships

Forming strong social relationships is helpful for both the physical and mental health of seniors. Good friends can help to boost your energy and overall mood.

Tip 19. Facial Massages

Facial massages will increase blood flow to the face, providing more nutrients and oxygen for tissues. Daily massages of the jawline can keep its elasticity.

Tip 20. Lose Weight

If you apply all these tips to look and feel younger, the weight loss should come naturally.

Senior Running

About Ventana Winds

Ventana Winds Retirement Community is a member of SLS Communities and offers Assisted Living and Memory Care services In Youngtown, Arizona.

Things To Know Before Moving To Arizona
Written by Brian B

15 Things To Know Before Moving To Arizona

What should you know about the great state of Arizona before moving there? Let’s take a look at 15 things that make the valley so unique.

1. Low Cost Of Living

Of course, there are some expensive places to live in the valley, including Scottsdale and Fountain Hills, but there are several very affordable places to call home in this state. The cost of living in the Phoenix area is actually 5% lower than the national average, according to PayScale. Rent is also affordable in other neighboring cities like Tucson and Tempe. The average income in Arizona is $59,000, currently.

2. Some Like It Hot

If you don’t mind the hot and dry summers, then you will love Arizona’s weather overall. Typically, the climate is dry and sunny throughout the year, with the winters and springs offering mild temperatures. From October to April, Arizona is a paradise for those looking for outdoor activities. The state in general sees a large influx of tourists during these months. Monsoon season is June through August, bringing some much-needed rainfall to the valley.

3. More Than Just A Desert

There is far more to this state than its desert landscape. Mountain ranges are always within eyesight, with colorful cacti surrounding urban areas. With 433 cities in Arizona, residents will find a variety of canyons, lakes, forests and skyscrapers.

4. Monsoons And Haboobs

Every area experiences inclement weather, and the valley is no exception. June to September is Arizona’s monsoon season, where residents will experience strong winds and rainstorms. Haboobs, which are large dust storms, generally follow in the monsoon’s footsteps.

5. Growing Population

The affordable cost of living combined with a booming job market have made Arizona a premier place to live. Phoenix is listed as the 5th-largest city in the country. Scottsdale, Paradise Valley and Sedona continue to grow due to many retirees settling in these areas.

Phoenix, Arizona

6. It Does Snow In Arizona

The northern half of this state will experience some snowfall during wintertime. Areas like Phoenix and Tucson will remain warm year-round, but cities like Flagstaff and Sedona can become winter wonderlands.

7. Great For Sports Fans

Known as a golfer’s paradise, the valley offers many world-class resorts and destinations. From Sedona to Tucson, retirees’ can enjoy their favorite hobby in style. The PGA’s Waste Management Phoenix Open is played annually in Scottsdale, as well. There’s more than just golf in Arizona, though! Residents also enjoy watching teams in all four major sports, including the Diamondbacks (MLB), Cardinals (NFL), Suns (NBA) and Coyotes (NHL).

8. The Wild West

Long before Arizona was even a state, it was home to some of the world’s most infamous outlaws. Many historic gunfights and showdowns occurred in the valley, as well. Many of these old western towns remain preserved, which makes for some great day-trips.

9. Diverse Food And Drink

Have you ever tried a Sonoran dog or cactus jelly? Well, if you move to Arizona you will have try some of their diverse food and drink offerings. Try a Sonoran dog and wash it down with the desert-inspired prickly pear margarita.

10. The Grand Canyon State

The world’s greatest wonder, otherwise known as the Grand Canyon, is located in Arizona. Residents can enjoy breathtaking views of the mile-deep gorge that spans 277 miles.

Grand Canyon

11. Booming Job Market

The higher cost of living in some of the most desirable spots in the state can be offset by an abundance of job opportunities. Arizona features a growing tech industry, with Apple, Uber and Lyft recently setting up offices in the valley. Small and large companies continue to flock to Arizona for its affordability and innovation.

12. Most Sun In The U.S.

The state of Arizona gets 299 sunny days per year, which is the most in the entire country. Even the sunshine state of Florida does not receive as much sun as Arizona. Get a healthy dose of vitamin D when you move to the valley of the sun.

13. Tourist Season

Many people, especially retirees, desire a place like Arizona because it seems very isolated and secluded. This is certainly not the case during the cooler months. This time of the year will bring a lot of tourists to the area. Known as “snowbirds”, these tourists will cause an increase in traffic from October to April.

14. Fewer Tax Burdens

Arizona offers less tax burdens for residents compared to other states. Allowing residents to keep as much of their income as possible has helped the valley grow exponentially for several decades.

15. Beautiful Scenery

Arizona offers much more than gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. The valley of the sun is home to some of the best scenic hiking trails in the world. Sedona is home to the famous red rocks, plus mountain ranges, lakes and desert beauty can be seen all over the state.

Monument Valley Arizona

About Ventana Winds

Ventana Winds Retirement Community is a member of SLS Communities and offers Assisted Living and Memory Care services In Youngtown, Arizona.

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How To Save For Retirement Without A 401k
Written by Brian B

How To Save For Retirement Without A 401k

How can you save money for retirement without having a 401k plan? Let’s look at a few options!

Saving For Retirement Without A 401k Tips

There are plenty of alternative ways to save money for individuals without a 401k. Most freelancers and self-employed workers have no 401k offering, yet there are five easy tips to follow for saving towards retirement.

Tip 1. Save Tax Refunds

The easiest way to begin saving money is by putting away your entire tax return as soon as you receive it. Make a habit of doing this every single year, if you can afford to do so. There are a few different ways to save or invest this return each tax season. IRS form 8888, for example, will allow taxpayers to deposit the refund directly into two of more savings/investment accounts.

Tip 2. Open An IRA

One of the more popular options for employees without a 401k plan is opting to open an IRA. A Roth IRA or a traditional IRA will prove beneficial in the long run. Another important piece of information about these plans is they are not an exclusive offering. Any individual currently earning an income is free to open an IRA. This includes both unmarried individuals and individuals who are married to a spouse earning an income. Most freelancers or self-employed workers choose to open an IRA.

Tip 3. Contribute To A CD

Another options for individuals without a 401k is opening a certificate of deposit (CD). The biggest benefit of opening a CD is that you are free to withdraw your money on demand, in most cases. This is great in the event you run into some sort of pressing financial situation or medical emergency. CDs are also insured by the federal government to never lose value.

Tip 4. Self-Employed 401k Plan

Also known as a solo 401k, a self-employed 401k plan allows you to contribute twice. This is possible because you are allowed to contribute both as an employer and employee. As long as your total earnings does not surpass $19,500, you can contribute up to 100% of your yearly income. When contributing as the employer, though, you can only contribute up to 25% of your yearly income. Spouses of participants of this plan are also eligible to open a self-employed 401k.

Tip 5. Health Savings Account

Whether or not you have chosen to open an IRA or contribute to a CD, you should consider the idea of opening an additional health savings account. A health savings account (HSA) has many benefits, including tax-free withdrawals and growth potential. After the age of 65, you are eligible to take money out of this account with no penalties.

When Should I Start Saving For Retirement?

The financial experts say that everyone should begin saving as soon as they can, of course. While this seems to be a case of easier said than done, there are many available savings options for young people. A great rule of thumb is to put away 10% of your monthly income each and every month. For example, putting away 10% of your $5,000 monthly income will lead to $500 in savings. $500 saved each month for a year will equate to $6,000 in yearly savings. Not a bad start at all when it comes to saving for retirement!

Starting the savings process in your 20s will help cover you for any stock market dips. Charles Schwab conducted a recent survey which revealed that Americans believe they need to save $1.7 million by age 65. If this is the target figure, it means you will have to save a minimum of $500 per month, beginning at age 25.

Saving this amount of money monthly can be unreasonable in many cases. Many 25-year-olds are just starting out in the job market. Others may be struggling to pay off student loans and/or raising a young family. If you decide to kick your retirement savings days down the road, then the amount you’ll have to save each month will undoubtedly increase.

Average Age When Americans Start Saving For Retirement

According to Morning Consult, these are the average age groups when Americans start saving for retirement:

  • Ages 20-29: 39%
  • Ages 30-39: 25%
  • Ages 40-49: 15%
  • Ages 50-59: 6%

Retirement Savings

About Ventana Winds

Ventana Winds Retirement Community is a member of SLS Communities and offers Assisted Living and Memory Care services In Youngtown, Arizona.

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