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Assisted Living vs Memory Care

Assisted Living vs Memory Care

If you are searching for the phrase “assisted living vs memory care“, this post should help. There are a lot of things to think about considering the livelihood of your loved one and where they may live.

Assisted Living vs Memory Care

Undertaking a life change can be scary and stressful—possibly a little fun too. For example, if you’re moving into an assisted living community, you might miss your home but are looking forward to forging new roads and friendships and simply making life easier. However, what if you’ve started to notice that your memory is not like what it used to be? You may have heard about “memory care” and might be wondering if it would be appropriate under your circumstances and if you can get it in an assisted living facility. Here are some explanations on what assisted living and memory care are.

What Is Assisted Living?

An assisted living facility is one in which its residents largely lead their lives independently. They do get a little assistance for needs that differ from person to person, possibly with mobility, meal planning, transportation, hygiene or medication. You might be ready for assisted living if it is becoming hard or dangerous for you to go up and down the stairs at home or if driving is starting to get risky.

Assisted living can be in a residential-type neighborhood or large building. Some facilities allow pets and can also consist of laundry as part of the rent or for an extra fee. Learn more about assisted living and take a look at our assisted living checklist.

What Is Memory Care?

Memory care communities will differ considerably from assisted living communities. The residents in memory care communities have serious memory-related and specific requirements. They might not remember who they are on some days and may get angered walking around spaces that they have lived in but now feel unfamiliar with. They may tend to wander off the campus and can present a danger to themselves and to others, particularly if they get aggressive when they are frustrated. Learn more about memory care and take a look at our memory care checklist.

Can You Get Memory Care in Assisted Living?

So, back to the worries about being forgetful. You think you may be okay in assisted living as of now, but what if you need memory care sooner than later?

You can’t receive memory care in assisted living, but there are a lot of communities that integrates a wide range of care. For example, there are places that offer nursing home care, assisted living, and memory care. These types of care take place in its own wing or building, but because you are generally in the same place, transferring from one stage to the next can be a lot easier. The decor shares a lot of common features, and there can also be the same staffers’ faces regardless of where you’re at. It’s also usually easier on your family and friends. Not only can they continually visit the same place, but they also won’t have to take tours every couple of years and make new decisions and as to where you may live. This can be helpful for you as well if you are trying to plan out your options in advance.

Some degree of forgetfulness is typical with aging and doesn’t necessarily suggest serious problems later on. In any case, if you are concerned about your memory, it’s always a good idea to speak with the doctor.

Paying for Assisted Living and Memory Care

One thing assisted living and memory care facilities have in common: Paying for them isn’t as straightforward as many of us would like to believe.

First, assisted living: The state you live in Medicaid’s program may not provide much, toward assisted living. If you are a veteran, the Veterans Administration’s Aid and Attendance benefit can help offset some of your assisted living costs.

In a nutshell, you should still plan to finance assisted living through private means like long-term-care insurance, asset sales, savings accounts, reverse mortgages, settlements, and other financial means. The earlier you purchase long-term-care insurance coverage, your monthly costs could be lower, particularly if you opt for protection against inflation. Don’t get too discouraged if your get denied by one company for your coverage, other companies might still accept you.

Second, memory care: Any of the private means you may use to pay for your assisted living may also be used to pay for your memory care. There is also additional help for veterans and government support available for people who require memory care who are non-veterans. Programs such as Medicaid assistance, although the degree to which they help will vary by state. Also, you can be placed on a waiting list until you can get into a memory care facility, which may possibly not happen if you had private means to pay.

Retirement Communities in Youngtown, Arizona by Ventana Winds Retirement Community

Ventana Winds is an assisted living and memory care facility in Youngtown, Arizona. To schedule a tour of our assisted living facility, SLS Communities or for more information please call us today at (623) 624-4406.

Written by webtechs

Retirement Wishes For A Boss

Retirement Wishes For A Boss

If you’re searching for retirement wishes for a boss, this post should help!

1. It may be time to retire as you grow older. It is disheartening, though, that the company does not understand that it is releasing an asset more precious than a diamond.
2. Let us celebrate the end of an exceptional career that has achieved insurmountable goals. We are also here to mourn the parting of our highly honored leader.
3. Retirement is the beginning of being relaxed and advising others, even though you have never used your own advice. Happy retirement.
4. After being someone else’s boss your whole career, retirement is your chance to be your own boss. Enjoy your retirement!
5. I sympathize with you getting up in age, and you are also an influence to us when we think about your life and career. Have a great retirement.
6. It has been truly a godsend learning and working with you over all these years. We will miss you and your instructing. Enjoy every second of your retirement.
7. I hope you are even more active and hard working in your retirement than you were when you were working.
8. Even though you’re done with work, we both know you’ll be busier than ever. No rest for the wicked!
9. Don’t be scared. You’re retiring from your job, but not from life. Just know we have faith in you, and we know you’ll succeed in your new voyage.
10. Best wishes on your retirement. Your skill, knowledge, commitment, and presence will be greatly missed.
11. Now that you’re retired you have time for better things like fishing, golfing, and working here as a volunteer.
12. Dear boss… but remember that no matter how much everyone wishes you well, deep down inside we’re just happy that you’re leaving.
13. Boss… as you get ready to pack it up and retire, we admit that we enjoyed annoying you every single day.
14. Dear boss… retirement is life’s way of letting you know that you’ve spent way too much time giving out orders.
15. You are a good boss because more than giving us direction, you gave us guidance and inspiration. Happy retirement.
16. We’ve been lucky to have such a great and knowledgeable boss. We’ll miss you and your influence. Happy retirement.
17. To the best boss that the company has ever had. Congratulations on your retirement!
18. Retirement is freedom. We hope you enjoy doing the things that you didn’t have time for before. Congratulations! Happy Retirement!
19. A life without the daily commute and mountains of paperwork. Welcome to the rosy life, my honorable boss. Congrats on your retirement!
20. Your direction and vision made you a great boss, but your commitment, respect, and kindness make you a great person.
21. Dear boss, we think you will love retirement. You never took a day off at work, and there are no day offs in retirement. Congrats.
22. Now as you are retiring, we are going to miss our boss at work. We wish you a stress-free life full of triumph and happiness.
23. You are the kind of boss that brings out the best in others. Thank you for everything you’ve done for us. Happy retirement.
24. We will miss your ingenuity, amazing charisma and the role of a true leader of our team. Such a boss is hard to replace.
25. We are not saying goodbye to a boss who gave us order. Today we are saying farewell to a leader who gave us direction. Congratulations.
26. There was at no time a dull moment or a slow day in the office when you were here. Even though you were the boss, your spirit was the best. Happy retirement.
27. Boss… I’m so glad that you’re finally retiring. I’ll be finally be able to tell you anything I want to without worrying about getting canned.
28. Dear boss, you have conquered many challenges as our leader. But the toughest challenge of your retired life is about to start – finding other challenges. Happy retirement.
29. You are a wonderful boss, your essence and energy will always guide us to move ahead. Happy retirement.
30. We just wanted you to know what a godsend it’s been to work with you over the years. We hope you’ll enjoy every day of your retirement.

Read more short retirement quotes at Chaparral Winds Retirement Community

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Is It Possible To Retire Early At Age 30, Age 40, or Age 50

Retirement in itself only came around in the last century or so. Thanks to programs like social security and people living longer, some people can actually look forward to not working for their entire life. And, not only is retirement possible, its coming even sooner than 65 years of age for some people who can gain financial Independence early in life.

Normally, the earliest retirement age is 65 years of age. Early retirement means, retiring before the age of 65, say, retiring  in your early 50’s or early 60’s. And, to take it to even more of an extreme level, some wealthy independents are even retiring even earlier than that, retiring in their late 30’s or early 40’s.

Examples Of Those Who Gained Financial Independence And Retired Extremely Early

Bloggers: Some bloggers started writing early in life before the internet started getting saturated with low quality blogs. Some of these bloggers make millions of dollars just from posting online.

Small Nut + Savings = Retiring Early

Some early retirees gain independence by spending less and downsizing. There are many stories about people living on a small budget of $6,000 to $7,000 a year or so and still being able to live. They might live in full-time RV’s, ride bikes to save on gas, visit thrift stores to save money on clothes, etc. But, they are living the retired life with a small nut, the smaller your nut, the easier it is to maintain.

Although, not all of these retirees on are living on low budgets, some were just smart, made the right moves at the right time and struck it rich.

Although, some don’t consider one retired if they still earn income. However, retirement is actually financial independence with the choice of what they want to do every day. They are not worried about receiving a paycheck.

Usually those who retire much earlier than others are designing their lives, rather than just receiving a salary every two weeks and being locked in to a position. They are designing their lives around freedom and not money.

How Can One Retire Early?

There are three steps to retiring early successfully.

Step 1. Grow your value professionally through career development, work and education. You will need these assets to retire early.

Step 2. Start reducing your consumption and live below your means. Especially when it comes to transportation and housing. You must do these things if you want to have assets that product investment income.

Step 3. Refocus your energy to something you’ll love once you retire. If you want long term happiness, refocusing energy is key. If you love to write, start a blog. If you love to teach, volunteer at a local school. Make sure you choose something that you absolutely love and you can’t go wrong. Also, if that happens to make a little money on the side, there’s nothing wrong with that either.

Most People Think Early Retirement Is Irresponsible Or Impossible To Do.

But, that’s an absolutely false statement! Plenty of people have retired early once their levels of income cover consumption. Depending on how you save, saving 30% per year can have you retiring in 20 years or less. Move that number to 50%, and you can retire earlier than that.

Why Can Some Retire Early But I Can’t?

You can absolutely retire early as well, as long as you start saving now. If you are already past 30, you can still retire by age 50, 15 years before the norm. Lowering consumption is the number one key to saving enough money to invest. Once that investment covers the cost of your consumption, you’re ready to retire.

Most people think that retirees are dead weight and do nothing for the planet. This is false as well. There are plenty of retirees who are still out spending money, living life and having a blast while doing it. Most are out living a life of purpose and are freed from financial burden.

Is It Possible For Everyone To Retire Early?

While I’m sure it is possible in some way, it’s not likely. Not everyone has the capacity, skills or temperament to retire early. Also, some enjoy the fruits of life way too much and aren’t willing to make the sacrifices it takes to lower consumption levels and increase savings. It takes sacrifice and dedication for many years in order to do so, and some people just aren’t cut out for that.

Retirees break the mold of earning vs payout. The extreme early retirees learn how to bring a lot in and put a little out. Many even end up working again but for a deeper purpose.

You should learn something from those who are retiring early, or should I say, retiring early from a 9-5 job, they are not necessarily retiring, but refocusing their energy in a way that brings more happiness and purpose into our lives, even if that does include some work. If the job you are working already brings you happiness and purpose, then great. But if you are like me and want to one day, retire at age 40 or earlier, we better stop spending / consuming as much, and start saving and investing for our future selves. You will thank you past self for doing this!

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Differences Between Independent Living Vs Assisted Living

Independent Living vs Assisted Living

If you are searching for the phrase “differences between assisted living vs a nursing home“, this post should help. There are a lot of factors to think about considering the livelihood of your loved ones.

Making a choice between an independent and an assisted living situation for most seniors depends greatly on whether or whether not (or how well) they are able to manage their daily activities by their self. Daily activities include such things as personal hygiene, maintaining their own finances, preparing their own meals, ability to carry out household chores, managing medications, and driving or arranging their own transportation. Anyone that is having difficulties with any of the above independent daily activities should give some thought to an assisted living community, which would allow them to be have a maintenance free lifestyle.

More About Communities Of Assisted Living

Assisted Living is a wonderful choice for seniors who have problems attending to their daily activities in their own home, for they will be allowed to have an independent style of life when a resident in an assisted living community, however, they have support from staff members on a daily basis with numerous activities of the day which ranges from meal preparation to cleaning, laundry, housekeeping, and maintenance services.

These things are generally included as part of the monthly rental charges. Furthermore, also included are the utilities and transportation. Additionally, they have the opportunity of enjoying the peace of mind of a maintenance free style of life, which otherwise would not be possible. It provides the residents with an advantage of having free time for other things, such as out-trips, activities inside and outside of the community, as well as social engagement. Assisted living care services also offer assistance with medication management and baths.

More On Communities Of Independent Living

Independent living in contrast to assisted living is that individuals that still have the ability to live independently will still be able to enjoy being able to access assistance should they need too. Whereas, a lifestyle at an independent living community provides their residents the convenience of accessing medical care, entertainment, a dining area that serves great meals, and so much more…

Seniors can also have peace of mind knowing they will be living an independent lifestyle in a community that offers their residents a safe and secure environment, it will just have a minimal amount of assistance offered. Typically available, housekeeping, laundry, meals, and hospitality may not be included as part of the monthly rental charges.

Making A Decision Between Assisted Living Or Independent Living

When it all comes down to it, the decision on assisted living or independent living will be determined in the end on what your loved one’s needs are. There are some communities which can offer seniors both, independent and assisted living arrangements, letting residents gradually adjust and adapt as their needs are changing.

Always inquire about the different options offered from each of the communities you have in consideration, making sure that you ask them what other services will be included in the monthly rental and which is going to cost you additionally. You should always make plans for the future anytime you are taking into consideration your senior living arrangements. Keep in mind that, although your loved one may not be in need of any care needs at this time, does not mean they will not need care later on. When touring the communities, take time to speak with both, the staff members as well as the residents, this is so that you can gain all the information needed in order to have a better understanding of each before that final decision is made.

Retirement Living in Youngtown, Arizona by Ventana Winds Retirement Community

Ventana Winds is an assisted living facility in Youngtown, Arizona. To schedule a tour of our assisted living facility, SLS Communities or for more information please call us today at (623) 624-4406.

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Senior Living Youngtown

If you are searching for Senior Living in Youngtown, Arizona, Ventana Winds can help. We offer assisted living and memory care services.

Ventana Winds is an Assisted Living & Memory Care Community is different than a lot of retirement communities. Located in Youngtown in Arizona, our Retirement Facility offers three story Assisted Living residences along with our Memory Care Community. Ventana Winds is located near first rate shopping, outstanding restaurants, plenty of golf courses, cultural centers, sports complexes and medical buildings.

Assisted Living In Youngtown, AZ

Assisted living residents are allowed to have plenty of independence, while also having personal support and care services when they are required. Assisted living communities have been designed in order to provide a person with help doing basic day to day living activities like getting dressed, bathing and grooming and much, much more. In addition, the residents will have the freedom of enjoying the peace of mind of a maintenance free style of life, which otherwise would not be even feasible.

Learn more about assisted living in Youngtown

Memory Care In Yountown, AZ

To put it in layman’s terms, memory care is a long-term type of care dedicated to meeting the individual needs of today’s older adults who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or other similar forms of dementia. Memory care programs are usually part of an assisted living community, but there are also some communities entirely devoted to seniors with some type of dementia.

Learn more about memory care in Youngtown

Ventana Winds Is Retirement Community Located In Yountown, Arizona

Ventana Winds is located at 12322 N. 113th Ave. in Youngtown, Arizona just off the U.S. 60 and N 111th Ave. Get in touch with us to schedule a tour at one of our facilities.

Find Senior Living In Other Areas Of Arizona

Senior Living Services (SLS Communities) has many different senior living options in Arizona.

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Best Places To Retire In Youngtown Arizona

Ventana Winds recently featured in Sedona Wind’s article title “Best Places To Retire In Arizona 2016“. We were rated #1 for Best Places To Retire In Youngtown Arizona!

Sedona Winds wrote, “Ventana Winds is the best retirement community in Sun City / Youngtown Arizona that offers Assisted Living, Pathway Assisted Living & Memory Care services. Call Ventana Winds Retirement Community Today at (623) 583-2460!”

Read The Full Article Here

Schedule A Tour Of Ventana Winds

Searching for Assisted Living In Sun City or Assisted Living In Youngtown, Arizona? Ventana Winds can help! We offer the highest standard of assisted living services in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area.

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Assisted Living Peoria

If you’re searching for “Assisted Living Peoria“, while looking for the best places to retire close to Peoria, Arizona, then Ventana Winds is the Assisted Living Community for you! Take a look below and learn more about Assisted Living in Peoria, give Ventana Winds Retirement Community a call at (623) 624-4406.

Looking for assisted living close to Peoria?

Ventana Winds provides Assisted Living, as well as Memory Care Services for seniors. We are conveniently located within the Peoria area, offering a variety of different living options in order to meet all of the personal needs you or your loved one may require with assisted living.

Ventana Winds is conveniently located in Peoria, close to all the places you will be needing, such as: medical & health care offices, terrific shopping centers, great restaurants, cultural centers, premier golf courses, sports complexes, and more. And the great thing about Ventana Winds, they are all within a two-mile radius!

The reason Ventana Winds Retirement Community is considered to be the best assisted living facility!

The reason people believe that Ventana Winds to be Peoria’s best assisted living facility is because the community has been designed specially for the seniors of today and that includes several different retirement living categories, which include assisted living, as well as memory care. Ventana Winds is perfect for seniors who lead an active lifestyle, as it offers interesting activities, a flexible daily routine and schedule, which is all very stimulating.

More on the assisted living facilities located close to Peoria:

Ventana Winds is an Assisted Living Facility with dazzle, and it is located within the area of Peoria, Arizona. We offer one and two-bedroom apartments, both have plenty of space for all of your personal things, such as furniture, clothing, and photographs, etc. We have a two-story building for our assisted living facility that has been built on an inviting courtyard which also serves as the main point for most activities, and it is a great view from within the apartments. We want to ensure that all of our residents feel at home when they are living within our facility. Our facility also provides help to those in need of it, with their medications, eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, etc. Residents in every apartment have a view of the scenic sunsets and the wide open mountain views.

The Amenities at Ventana Winds Retirement Community include:

  • Library
  • Activity room
  • Swimming pool
  • Pool table/ Billiards
  • Resort style of dining

Included in monthly rent:

  • Three meals per day
  • Staffing 24/7
  • Deep cleaning done weekly
  • Personal laundry done weekly
  • Utilities, which includes cable television

All apartments include:

  • Microwave
  • Refrigerator
  • Spacious floor plans
  • Window treatments
  • Air conditioning & heating units

For our community’s safety we have the following:

  • Security cameras
  • Wheelchair access
  • Desk attendant 24/7
  • The Emergency Pendent System
  • Transportation for appointments

Floor plans for assisted living

Our retirement community here at Ventana Winds Retirement Community has many different assisted living floor plans for you to choose from. Ventana Winds Retirement Community offers an active style of living for seniors with assisted living needs, and they are conveniently located close to Peoria, Arizona. View our floor plans and find the one that is attractive to you!

Schedule An Assisted Living Facility Tour In Peoria

For More information about Ventana Winds Retirement Community or to schedule a tour at our Assisted Living Facility in Peoria, give Ventana Winds a call today at (623) 624-4406.

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What Is Memory Care? The Difference Between Alzheimer’s and Dementia.

What is memory care? Memory care is simply caring for elderly people who have a memory loss condition such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. Memory care isn’t the same thing as an assisted living facility, memory care usually goes above and beyond the type of services assisted living facilities would provide. Everything from meal preparation and laundry, to housekeeping and assistance with daily activities are provided for memory care residents at a memory care facility.

What is Alzheimer’s?

Alzheimer’s is a form of dementia. As Alzheimer’s disease progresses, the level of one-on-one assistance and care a memory loss person requires increases. Some families would like to have their loved one at home, but anyone who suffers from Alzheimer’s or dementia is eventually going to need 24 hour a day care in a supervised setting.

Example, Alzheimer’s living facilities have more secure areas that will prevent memory care residents from wandering around the facility. Memory care residents also sometimes need help with bathing, medication, dressing, eating, grooming, and other daily tasks.

Memory care ensures long-term care for seniors with serious dementia diseases in a monitored memory care facility.

Common Services A Memory Care Facility Provides

Memory care facilities offer 24 hour care with activities, health, and meals for memory care residents.

Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and memory care are provided in a secure assisted living environment, usually separate wings, floors, or offsite locations.

Service Provided By Memory Care Facilities

  • Semi-private and private rooms
  • Snacks and 3 Meals Per Day
  • 24 Hour Staff
  • Emergency call system
  • Oral Care
  • Ongoing guidance and orientation
  • Maintenance of the grounds, common areas, and your apartment

Find Memory Care Communities In Arizona

Find memory care facilities in Arizona by visiting SLS Communities.

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What is Assisted Living?

If you may be wondering or searching for “what is assisted living”, this post will help answer some of your questions. When it comes to you or your loved one entering assisted living, it is good to know an idea what you are walking into.

Assisted Living Communities

Many see assisted living as being the best of both worlds. A resident is allowed to have as much independence as they want while also knowing that personal support and care services are there if they are needed. Assisted living communities have been designed in order to provide a person with assistance with basic daily living activities like dressing, bathing, grooming and much more. There are some states that let assisted living provide medication reminders or assistance. These communities are much different from a nursing home because they do not provide any complex medical services.

These communities range from a single residence to be a single care level in a continuing care retirement community. The whole physical environment of assisted living is quite appealing to both the families and potential residents. These communities are able to offer a home like atmosphere with apartments that include either a one bedroom or studio model. The kitchenettes will normally have a microwave and small refrigerator.

Who will need assisted living?

Residents will normally be seniors who have started to decline in health and are needing assistance with one or more daily living activities. Seniors who are wanting to live within a social environment with very little responsibility as well as a place where care can be easily accessed when it is needed are the seniors that you will find within assisted living. Statistically, common residents are often females within their mid-80’s.

The difference between Assisted Living, Independent Living and Nursing Homes

Nursing homes are for those older adults that will require constant and higher-level care than those who live in assisted living communities. Nursing homes have staffed nurses 24 hours per day.

Independent living is a care level that is below assisted living. These communities are a form of housing that has been targeted to a senior who is over 55 years of age. Independent living can have apartments or even single-family homes or a townhouse. Normally, there will be activities planned for the residents as well as some assistance with yard work or other maintenance. The residents are able to maintain as much independence as possible and can still perform daily living activities.

What happens when the level of care needs to be increased?

Most communities will let the resident age within the community. They can do this because most have on-site care and if not, they will work with local providers so that the residents are able to stay within the community as the care level increases. It is this type of care that will be paid in addition to the rent and will vary based on the care that is needed.

Types of Amenities and Activities in Assisted Living Communities

Normally, all assisted living communities will offer prepared meals 3 times per day and help with laundry and light housekeeping. Based on the community, a resident could have access to transportation, the post office, beauty salons, swimming pools and fitness centers. There are also some communities that will plan trips, events and activities that a resident can be a part of which range from concerts to happy hour. These communities range from a large campus to a small home, and so the amenities will vary based on the community. Another aspect that needs to be mentioned is that many communities will recognize that keeping a pet is important for a resident, and so some communities will let the resident bring a pet as long as they can take care of it.

How are these communities regulated?

These communities are regulated at a state level. It is because of this that each state will have policies that will regulate and define what services and care are needed for assisted living communities to meet the standards for the state. The state will set the regulations to make assisted living different from any other care facility. Some states may even monitor are safety, food, providers and care provided.

How much will assisted living cost?

The average for a private, one-bedroom apartment in these communities will run about $3100 per month or around $36,000 per year. These prices are around the cost of living in various areas. The price will change based on the room sizes; for instance a shared apartment is going to be less expensive and a larger apartment or two-bedroom apartment is going to be much more expensive.

How to pay for assisted living

Assisted living is paid using private funds but there are some exceptions. There may be insurance policies that will cover assisted living. Check the insurance policy to see if it will be covered. If the resident is a military veteran or is the veteran’s spouse, they may qualify for veteran’s benefits which will pay for the community. In some states, Medicaid waivers and funds can be used to help cover assisted living.

Assisted Living in Youngtown, Arizona by Ventana Winds Retirement

Ventana Winds is an assisted living facility in Youngtown, Arizona. To schedule a tour of our assisted living facility, contact SLS Communities or for more information please call us today at (623) 624-4406.

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